Alcohol Self-Assessment
Alcohol Self-Assessment
Taking a self-assessment test is a safe way for you to start thinking about your use of alcohol. The results of this test should never be accepted as an official diagnosis, but it can help you understand whether you should be concerned about how much you drink. If you think you have a problem with alcohol after taking this self-assessment, please consider calling Maine Lawyers Assistance Program to explore your options. All inquiries remain 100% confidential.
- Do I plan my office routine around my drinking or drug use?
- Have I tried unsuccessfully to control or abstain from alcohol or drugs?
- Do my clients, associates, or support personnel contend that my alcohol/drug use interferes with my work?
- Have I avoided important professional, social, or recreational activities as a result of my alcohol/drug use?
- Do I ever use alcohol or drugs before meetings or court appearances, to calm my nerves, or to feel more confident of my performance?
- Do I frequently drink or use drugs alone?
- Have I ever neglected the running of my office or misused funds because of my alcohol or drug use?
- Have I ever had a loss of memory when I seemed to be alert and functioning but had been using alcohol or drugs?
- Have I missed or adjourned closings, court appearances, or other appointments because of my alcohol/drug use?
- Is drinking or drug use leading me to become careless of my family’s welfare or other personal responsibilities?
- Has my ambition or efficiency decreased along with an increase in my use of drugs or alcohol?
- Have I continued to drink or use drugs despite adverse consequences to my practice, health, legal status, or family relationships?
- Are strong emotions, related to my drinking or drug use (e.g., fear, guilt, depression, severe anxiety) interfering with my ability to function professionally?
- Are otherwise close friends avoiding being around me because of my alcohol or drug use?
- Have I been neglecting my hygiene, health care, or nutrition?
- Am I becoming increasingly reluctant to face my clients or colleagues in order to hide my alcohol/drug use?
A “yes” answer to any of these questions suggests that it would be wise to seek professional evaluation which MELAP can help you arrange but may or may not indicate that you have a diagnosable addictive disorder. Evaluations of alcohol/drug problems should be done by a clinician with addiction credentials and/or experience working in an addiction-oriented setting.